Sunday, April 19, 2009

All credit to Netanyahu

Bibi Netanyahu is not my favorite politician in the world, but I have to hand it to him, his demand for the PA to recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people as a precondition to restarting talks was a genius of a maneuver. The Arabs couldn't bring themselves to accept this, and have launched a pretty pathetic counter-offensive in the media to regain the upper hand.

What this really highlights is the stark difference in approach between Bibi and his opponents. Olmert, Livni et al were completely bent on ignoring the fact that no amount of concessions would ever get the Arabs to accept Israel as a Jewish state. Bibi, in one deft finesse, has exposed for everyone to see the fact that we have no partner for peace - for if they will not accept the fundamental premise that Israel is the state of the Jewish people as a starting point, then there is nothing to talk about. Even Obama can't paper over that - or can he?

So now Netanyahu can come out looking like the good guy: "We're willing to do anything we can for peace - but these guys are not in the game for peace."

Kol hakavod, Bibi! Now keep it up!

1 comment:

Rafi G. said...

Bibi is not as bad as Feiglin makes him out to be, but he will present plenty of problems in time,,,,