Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Livni's most spectacular blunder - ever!

It really takes a lot to say this, but I think today Tzipi Livni has topped all her previous loser decisions.  Not content with sulkily quitting politics after losing the Kadima primaries to Shaul Mofaz, she recently decided to announce her political comeback.  Having been offered the number 2 slot in both the Labor and Yesh Atid parties, she decided she wasn't going to play second fiddle to anyone else, and today she announced the formation of a fourth center-left party, with the goal of uniting the center left.  If you don't understand that reasoning, you don't understand Tzipi Livni.  For my part, I just keep doing my Mr Burns impression...

But the real kicker, the coup de grace of this new misadventure, is the name she has chosen for her new party:

The Movement

Her political adversaries are stunned.  Where, oh where, to begin?  The possibilities are endless!  Look on the Israeli news sites - the talkbackers are having an absolute field day.  It's open season on toilet humor!

I'm sure her focus groups had something else in mind when they came up with this name.  But there was clearly a lot of groupthink at work here from the yes-men with whom she has surrounded herself.  Didn't even one of them think of the other connotations of the word?  And yes, before you ask, it's the same idiomatic expression in Hebrew: תנועת מעיים is a bowel movement.

I, for one, was literally ROTFL today, like I haven't been in months.  Maybe years.  Tzipi Livni, you have made so many people happy today.  Your movement has brought relief to the entire country - albeit of the comic variety.  Today you have justified your existence on this planet.  We love you!

EDIT: After consulting with my Hebrew speaking friends, it seems that while תנועת מעיים is correctly translated as a bowel movement, the term תנועה is not colloquially used to describe what we Anglos call a "movement", but rather to describe an obscene hand gesture.  And the humorists have already jumped on the pun.  Just as funny.

1 comment:

visitor via rafi said...

הצנועה would be a better joke.